Friday 14 October 2016

What To Expect When Getting A Root Canal

Though very common, root canal surgery can sometimes be the subject of anxiety producing tales. However, with modern developments and pain-numbing medication, they certainly don’t have to be as big a deal as they are made out to be. Here are some things to expect when you are getting a root canal:

1.      Isolating the Problem Tooth

Your doctor puts a paper thin rubber sheet over your tongue and healthy teeth to isolate the unhealthy tooth. This is so that no bacteria from the rest of your mouth is allowed into the surgery area.

2.      Pain Numbing Medication

The doctor then distributes isolated pain medication to the area affected by the root canal. No surgery will be started until the pain medicines set in, so the rest should be a painless procedure.

3.      The Surgery Itself

The doctor disinfects the area and then drills a small hole into the dead tooth. Disinfecting again, he inserts the tooth filler into the access space to seal the tooth.

4.      Post Surgery Care and Follow Up

Once surgery is done, you will be left with a healthily preserved tooth and possibly prescribed some post surgery antibiotics, to ensure everything stays in good shape. Follow the link for more information on root canals in Apex.

Dangers Lurk in the Illegal Tooth Whitening Market

Instead of going to their dentist, 28% of people in the United Kingdom said that they would prefer to use home tooth whitening kits they purchased over the more

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

Deciding to take the plunge and get dental implants is a fantastic solution for those looking to augment their dental health and boost confidence at the same time. Here are a few of the main benefits to getting dental implants:

1.      Improvements in health

If you’re missing teeth, maintaining good oral health can be problematic. The gaps in your teeth offer more opportunities for food to get stuck, making dental hygiene more challenging. With dental implants, you make it easier to keep your teeth clean. Additionally, dental implants don’t require the prosthodontist to file down or remove from other teeth, making implants a healthier choice for those wanting to preserve as much of their natural teeth as possible

2.      Better speech clarity

With a full set of teeth, you have better and clearer speech than you do with gaps in your teeth. Dental implants can help you achieve articulate speech that would otherwise be inaccessible for those who don’t have a full set of teeth.

3.      A beautiful, confident smile

For those who are born without some of their teeth, dental implants can be a great way to give them a full set of teeth in a healthy and natural looking way. Follow the link for more information on your prosthodontist in Holly Springs today.

Natural Looking Tooth Replacements


If you’re looking for tooth replacement solutions, look no further than prosthodontic care. Your highly trained prosthodontist can go over your options with you and move toward restoring your healthy, natural looking smile.

The Importance Of A Dental Exam

Going to the doctor each year is important for staying healthy and keeping on top of any problems. The same goes for dental exams. It’s important to see the dentist regularly for an exam for many reasons, including:

  • To take x-rays of your mouth for dental work
  • To receive instructions on good oral hygiene
  • To take care of any potential problems

Pictures of Your Mouth

If you haven’t had a dental exam for a while, chances are your dentist is going to want x-rays or other scans of your mouth. This shows the layout of your teeth as well as cavities or tooth decay. This can help the dentist determine if you need braces, fillings or procedures.

Oral Hygiene

A thorough dental exam will show the dentist any problem areas in your mouth. He or she, along with the medical team in the office, can then give you instructions on how to better take care of your mouth with proper brushing techniques, flossing tips and what products to use.

Dental Problems

Finding an issue with your teeth or gums early helps prevent further problems. Catching early signs of gum disease can help prevent infections and cavities. Filling holes at the first sign of problem can prevent crowns, root canals and other procedures. For dental exams in Raleigh, visit this website.

The Benefits Of An After Hours Dentist

Finding a dentist that you’re comfortable with is very important. You also want a dentist that can see you in case of emergencies. Pickup basketball games, tooth aches and other problems don’t always happen during the day. There are many benefits to finding an after hours dentist, including:

  • Receiving fast care in dental emergencies
  • Treating infections
  • Having care even if you work odd hours

Dental Emergencies

Accidents happen, and not always during the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sometimes an injury leads to a cracked, broken or missing tooth. You may also experience a filling that comes out or an infection in your root canal. An after hours dentist can get you in the office to help relieve the pain and help treat you before the problem gets worse.

Odd Hours

If you work unconventional hours, you aren’t always able to come into the office to treat a toothache. An after hours dentist can help find the cause of your oral pain and treat it without you having to wait until the next day. You can receive high quality care to start feeling better before morning.

No matter what reasons you need an after hours dentist, it’s important to find the right one for you and your family. For an after hours dentist in Apex, visit this website.

Protein-Peptide Injection Stimulates Bone Growth Without Surgery

Researchers at Tokyo Medical and Dental University have injected a gelatin-based gel carrying the peptide OP3-4 and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) into the jawbones of mice to trigger local augmentation of bone around the more